Posts by Sergey Kovalchuk

1) Message boards : Number crunching : Stats & Badges (Message 123)
Posted 19 Oct 2020 by Sergey Kovalchuk
numbered RAC-badges

correct the description of these already running badges

           <title>Top 1% in average credit</title>
           <title>Top 5% in average credit</title>
           <title>Top 25% in average credit</title>
           <title>Top 1% in average credit</title>
           <title>Top 5% in average credit</title>
           <title>Top 25% in average credit</title>

and add new ones (if the quantity, levels and colors correspond to the project)

           <title>10K Credits</title>
           <title>50K Credits</title>
           <title>100K Credits</title>
           <title>500K Credits</title>
           <title>1M Credits</title>
           <title>5M Credits</title>
           <title>10M Credits</title>
           <title>50M Credits</title>
           <title>100M Credits</title>

i gave a description of the badges as they are seen when exporting.
you need to adapt it to the admin interface
2) Message boards : Number crunching : cancel wu's (Message 121)
Posted 19 Oct 2020 by Sergey Kovalchuk
reduce the rsc_fpops_bound from 86400000000000 to 21600000000000

this could potentially reduce the size of credits from ~64 to ~16
you need to check how Credit-New will behave
3) Message boards : Number crunching : Stats & Badges (Message 117)
Posted 19 Oct 2020 by Sergey Kovalchuk
you have a nice picture for your badges -
you just need to shrink the size to 120 * 120 and make a transparent background
then create all the necessary images

1 several smaller images - for the site icon

<link rel="apple-touch-icon" sizes="180x180" href="favicon/apple-touch-icon.png">
<link rel="icon" type="image/png" sizes="32x32" href="favicon/favicon-32x32.png">
<link rel="icon" type="image/png" sizes="16x16" href="favicon/favicon-16x16.png">

or just one line (sizes 32*32)

<link rel="icon" type="image/x-icon" href="/favicon.png"/>

2 repaint the picture 120 * 120 in several colors typical for badges -
(can anyone help with pictures - who has a normal picture editor?)
 Bronze 10k
 Silver 50k
 Gold 100k
 Amethyst 500k
 Ruby 1M
 Turquoise 5M
 Jade 10M
 Sapphire 50M
 Emerald 100M

digit is a milestone for obtaining a badge
now the project has a top user at 40M, top 20 - about 1M, top 100 - less than 1k (first badge 10k at top 80)
750k WUs add about 34M credits - here it is desirable to increase either the quantity or the price

3 leave the standard "medals" for the RAC-badges already entered in the project.
you can add the inscription 1% 5% 25% (take these badges from a more complete server distribution)
4) Message boards : Number crunching : cancel wu's (Message 116)
Posted 18 Oct 2020 by Sergey Kovalchuk
It would be nice to move the last 2 posts to a separate topic in the "Science"
And also add information about other applications to the "About Us" page. Or replace with something more general + description in Science

About badges started a separate topic
5) Message boards : Number crunching : Stats & Badges (Message 115)
Posted 18 Oct 2020 by Sergey Kovalchuk
>Will the statistics be common for the entire project or are you planning to account separately for applications?
>If the "reward" for the amount of computation has already been determined, are you planning on introducing a badge system to reward users who reach certain milestones?
>It is advisable for participants to plan ahead of time for the opportunity to achieve certain goals, both locally in the project and on external statistics sites

Unfortunately, I didn't have time to go deeper into the documentation on this topic.
You know what solution is best for you and I am asking you for support.
I don't want to create this badge system without knowing it.

The badge system is the admin's time spent on advertising (promoting) the project in the volunteer community :-)
Encourages members to earn more and more credits to achieve system-defined milestones and receive the next badge in their signature
In fact, this is just a beautiful, bright icon characteristic of this project (or a separate application)
More precisely, a sequence of such icons with increasing "value" - for example, 10k, 100k, 1M, etc.
(with a conditional rating of bronze, silver, gold and other jewelry).
Other unique sequences and assessments are possible - as long as there is enough imagination and time.

Per application accounting is all of the above, repeated for each new application (subproject) + a short time to administer the list of subprojects. That is, an attempt to re-interest volunteers with new applications.
An important feature is that it must be turned on from the very beginning. Or then the administrator will have to manually assign the credits received before to individual applications. Or for a dummy - "beta test". Or just give up this tool.
6) Message boards : Number crunching : cancel wu's (Message 110)
Posted 18 Oct 2020 by Sergey Kovalchuk
We plan to send about 750 000 wus for calculations ...

Quite a large amount of calculations, accordingly, statistics of received credits ;o)

I would like to hear a small comment about the structure of the planned calculations

Will this be one app (current version)? Or do new applications / versions appear as calculations are made?
Will the statistics be common for the entire project or are you planning to account separately for applications?
If the "reward" for the amount of computation has already been determined, are you planning on introducing a badge system to reward users who reach certain milestones?

It is advisable for participants to plan ahead of time for the opportunity to achieve certain goals, both locally in the project and on external statistics sites
7) Message boards : Number crunching : cancel wu's (Message 107)
Posted 18 Oct 2020 by Sergey Kovalchuk
In the next topic, the admin gave the answer

Staram sie w chwili zaistnienia problemu wywolywac przerwanie obliczen przez serwer w celu ochrony czasu obliczen na Panstwa procesorach.
W tej chwili opracowuje wersje programu ktorej piorytetem bedzie ochrona czasu obliczen ( zadanie zakonczone po okreslonym czasie ok 2h).

At the moment of the problem, I try to cause the server to interrupt the computation in order to protect the computing time on your processors.
At the moment, it is developing a version of the program, the priority of which will be to protect the computation time (the task will be completed after a certain time, about 2 hours).
8) Message boards : Number crunching : Project plans and updates (Message 105)
Posted 17 Oct 2020 by Sergey Kovalchuk
W tej chwili opracowuje wersje programu ktorej piorytetem bedzie ochrona czasu obliczen ( zadanie zakonczone po okreslonym czasie ok 2h).
Niestety zmusza nas to do wylaczenia procesu walidacji obliczen zwiazku z roznicowaniem ilosci otrzymywanych wynikow( liczy krokow calkowania od wydajnosci procesorow).

With a wide range of computational complexity and client performance, the BOINC platform has several tools

The simplest solution is to create several variants of the application with tasks of different sizes - S, M, L, XXXL. And provide app selection to users (enable advanced preference settings). It will be easier to validate tasks of the same size with each other than comparing different-sized tasks (terminated after 2 hours)

You can assign conditional complexity to such tasks of different sizes and set criteria for the scheduler of the allocation task by processor type. Here you need to know well the processor models and their performance on your tasks. Additional load on the server and on the admin when creating and distributing tasks.

You can also use processor optimization (instruction sets SSE2 - AVX512) when compiling multiple versions of the same application. Distribute tasks of different sizes across several plan-classes with the requirement of the desired option from the CPU. If your algorithms allow - enable multithreading. There are volunteers who can speed up your applications several times. This has already happened on other projects

Dobrze przeczytać od czasu do czasu na czym stoimy, w tym lub nowym wątku.

For global problems of the project and directions of search, the "science" section is well suited. opening a discussion on an important topic you can always get a hint

For operational actions with the project, you can post a short message in the "news" section with the option to notify clients - for example, about canceling tasks on the server and the need to clear the client's queue.

Such communication will reassure the participants - people have found a new project and expect stability as a project in the production stage, and not as test launches ;o)
9) Message boards : Number crunching : Computation error: EXIT_TIME_LIMIT_EXCEEDED (Message 94)
Posted 13 Oct 2020 by Sergey Kovalchuk
increase the difficulty of the task


or decrease application performance


by changing the size of the task, you keep the proportion, but it is too optimistic

changing the difficulty of a task is easiest.
performance is recalculated by the client after the test and task completion
10) Message boards : Number crunching : App Versions (Message 83)
Posted 13 Oct 2020 by Sergey Kovalchuk
maybe every time this is a new application
if you look at the description and input files
too large changes for versions of one application

as a counterexample - CSGrid and Einstein
a new app for each method or dataset

but I agree - the number and date in the titles are confusing
there is a special field - <user_friendly_name> ;o)
11) Message boards : Number crunching : Why project do not export statistics? (Message 60)
Posted 30 Sep 2020 by Sergey Kovalchuk
seems to be already there - check top users ;o)
<title>Cometary science</title>
<title>Cometary science</title>
<title>Cometary science</title>
. . . . . .
12) Questions and Answers : Getting started : Can't create an account or join (Message 57)
Posted 27 Sep 2020 by Sergey Kovalchuk
@ Admin

13) Message boards : Number crunching : Why project do not export statistics? (Message 37)
Posted 21 Sep 2020 by Sergey Kovalchuk
Erik, be merciful
people can't get the counting application running.
and you want to immediately run the serving functions regularly
good at least do not ask to draw badges ;o)

the project has already been reinstalled from scratch several times.
maybe this is not his last incarnation before the official launch
treat it like a project under development
14) Message boards : Number crunching : A Little Project Update Woudl Be Nice :) (Message 32)
Posted 19 Sep 2020 by Sergey Kovalchuk
I heard - Message 13 :o)

Please be patient . These are test tasks for server ...

some information is on the project's "business card" site
GAVIP official website
15) Message boards : Number crunching : 1_Gaia@home (Message 28)
Posted 17 Sep 2020 by Sergey Kovalchuk
this is my personal opinion,
but I would like to have a stable set of applications, it is better to use numbers for different versions.

volunteers are mainly focused on collecting statistics (both total and separately for applications),
for example, to obtain achievement levels - badges.
with one-day numbered apps it makes no sense :o(

it is important for you as an administrator to have a tool convenient for your purposes.
but I hope you can take this opinion into account when planning the structure of a distributed project

you can use batch number for subsets of jobs with different datasets
application name and version displays stability and minor improvements in the executable file code

examples with batch numbers can be found at neighbors - cpdn and tomas brada projects
16) Message boards : Number crunching : 1_Gaia@home (Message 25)
Posted 15 Sep 2020 by Sergey Kovalchuk
Is it possible to remove them?

You can create a file file_delete_regex in your project directory, containing a list of regular expressions, one per line.
If a client has a sticky file whose name matches any of these expressions, it will be instructed to delete the file.

note - wait until all tasks with these files are completed and will report
17) Message boards : Number crunching : 1_Gaia@home (Message 22)
Posted 14 Sep 2020 by Sergey Kovalchuk
there is a suspicion that an old copy of the application has replaced a new one
old hosts generate a runtime error with the following characteristics:
- text output Hello, stderr!
- file result.txt is missing

it is desirable to introduce some kind of system for the uniqueness of applications and their versions
18) Questions and Answers : Web site : misconfigured site (Message 18)
Posted 8 Sep 2020 by Sergey Kovalchuk
<!-- <scheduler></scheduler> -->"

the last character of the line
it can be seen in the upper left corner of the page
as if a "broken pixel" or a speck on the screen
19) Questions and Answers : Web site : misconfigured site (Message 16)
Posted 8 Sep 2020 by Sergey Kovalchuk
<!-- <scheduler></scheduler> -->"
<link rel="boinc_scheduler" href=""">

extra quotes
20) Message boards : Number crunching : Project Servers Down? (Message 8)
Posted 7 Sep 2020 by Sergey Kovalchuk
this is an error in the project master file template (site home page)
in the page code, links to the scheduler are hidden for clients, one is normal, the second is with an error (typo in the project template)
this second link to the scheduler every time gives a bunch of errors in the logs when accessing the server.
(error in resolving the server name, reference access, server down)

see the 1st message in the web server section

and 0 task - linux only

Next 20

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